Captain Kangaroo is an American children’s television series that aired Oct.3, 1955 until Dec.8, 1984. This children’s program, was hosted by Captain Kangaroo (Bob Keeshan.) The show was based on the warm relationship between grandparents and children. The Captain K.Show had a loose structure, built around life in the “Treasure House.” This is where The Captain would tell stories, meet guests and indulge in silly skits with regular characters (including cartoon character “Tom Terrific.” Captain Kangaroo’s 24 year run has only been surpassed by Sesame Street.
Our vintage television memorabilia collectors have requested a toy. We’re pleased to offer this Captain Kangaroo Treasure. Made with rubber, he stands 11.5″ tall and is approx. 4.5″ across the middle. Manufactured in the late 50’s, it’s paint and vinyl are in perfect condition. The Captain has squeaked for us. Now, it’s time for Captain Kangaroo to squeak for you. His squeaking comes with a My Forever Treasures guarantee.
Captain Kangaroo with Dolly Parton – 1976
This is a complete Captain Kangaroo show as recorded from a satellite feed back in the early 1990s. Dolly Parton appears as a guest star and the show was first aired on October 27, 1976…