“You Gotta Stay Happy,’ is a 1948 American Romantic Comedy, starring Jimmy Stewart and Joan Fontaine. This movie stars 2 Golden Age of Hollywood Superstars. Both Stewart and Fontaine won early 1940’s Best Actor and Best Actress Academy Awards. Our clients have requested something special, from this magical cinema period. “You Gotta Stay Happy, is an especially wacky romantic comedy. There’s a screwball quality, and physical humor offering a sentimental mismatched love story. Joan Fontaine, is a wealthy heiress. Jimmy Stewart, is an army-air force veteran, making it on a shoe-string. Both stars shine in this film.
He’s trying to start-up an air freight business. She’s trying to escape a hasty 6th engagement turned into marriage. The night of her New York hotel honeymoon, she escapes to Stewart’s adjoining room. Jimmy saves the day. But, there are embezzlers, a cigar-smoking chimpanzee, a sleeping pill and enough twists and comical turns to have you guessing how this romp will end. It will end with our dual signed vintage Jimmy Stewart and Joan Fontaine autographed “You Gotta Stay Happy” treasure, framed on your wall.
My Forever Treasures offers this Golden Age of Hollywood autographed prize as Vintage Eye Candy. There’s no doubt.