“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” is a 1937 American animated musical film by Walt Disney Productions and released by R.K.O. Radio Pictures. It takes place in Greece and the Mediterranean Area. After wandering through the forest for hours, Snow White discovers a tiny cottage belonging to a group of seven dwarfs, who work in nearby mines. Snow White assumes the 7 dwarfs are children and with the help of animals proceeds to clean the place and cook a meal. It turns out the cottage belongs to the 7 adult dwarfs, named Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Bashful, Sneezy and Dopey. Miners make her part of the household.
The film is the first to have a musical soundtrack, with favorites like “Whistle While You Work,” “Someday My Prince Will Come,” and the dwarfs sing “Heigh Ho” (It’s Off To Work We Go,) and dance and play instruments. The film has been translated into endless languages and loved around the world. The story offers endless fun. Jealous of Snow White’s beauty, the wicked queen disguises herself as a hag and brings a poison apple to Snow White, and tricks her. She falls into a death-like sleep, that only can be broken by a kiss from the prince. The dwarfs find Snow White and put her in a glass coffin, and with the animals they watch over her.
This Academy Award winner has a happy ending. The prince shows up and kisses her to an awaken state and brings Snow White back to his castle. Life has turned into get it, got it-good. Cut to the Dwarfs singing and dancing. In 1989, the U.S. Library of Congress deemed this film “culturally, historically and aesthetically significant,” and selected “Snow White,” as one of the first 25 films for preservation in the National Film Registry. A.F.I. voted this film as one of the top 100 American Films of all time. My Forever Treasures has opened our vintage Walt Disney Vault and we’re sharing these 2 beautiful 1930’s painted Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs tiles. Get it. Got it-Good.
Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs(1937) – Snow White Meets The Seven Dwarfs